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The safest way to pay on marketplaces

Kweeqpay acts as a secure middleman eliminating scam by holding funds in escrow until pre-agreed conditions between buyers and sellers are met.


Rental Deposits

We safeguard your rental deposit until you’ve successfully moved in and verified that everything is as promised.

Get Started
Make *safe*, and *secure* payments to strangers for...

One Platform

Increase your Reach & sales.

No need to limit sales to in-person transactions. Now, you can reach a broader audience and sell more by securely transacting online, unlocking new markets and opportunities.

One Platform

Improve your Credibility online.

Overcome the trust issues that often deter customers. Offering a secure payment method reassures buyers, helping you build trust and eliminate barriers to sales.

One Platform

Guaranteed payments, No Scams.

Fulfil orders with confidence, knowing payment is already secured. This ensures you only ship products after receiving payment confirmation from us.

One Platform

How it works

1. Transaction creation and secure payment

The buyer or seller creates a transaction on kweeqpay


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